Monolith vs Microservice repositories - some pros and cons

Monolithic vs Microservice repository management Here we’ll take a quick look at monolithic vs microservice repository architecture for managing codebases. A monolithic repository is a version control system that stores all of the code for a software application in a single, centralized repository. This means that all of the code for an application, including the front-end, back-end, and any additional components, is stored in a single location and managed as a cohesive unit.
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chatGPT - building an automated database testing tool

chatGPT - building an automated database testing tool
Creating an automated database testing tool with ChatGPT Last night I thought I’d try to get ChatGPT to make an automated database testing tool and the results were quite promising. In conclusion, with guidance, it was able to build a project from scratch that ran a python script and postgres database. It generated some random schema and values for the randomly generated tables. It provided a Python script which would introspect the database and execute queries against it.
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